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INSTANT access membership

Please click the following PayPal button to purchase a subscription to our member section. You will be billed on a recurring monthly basis until you choose to cancel. PayPal will display your username and password on the screen. Please write them down in a safe place.

Price: $25 USD

Please click the following PayPal button to purchase a semiannual subscription to our member section, with a 20% discount (from $150 to $120) per subscription. You will be billed on a recurring semiannual basis until you choose to cancel. PayPal will display your username and password on the screen. Please make sure to write them down in a safe place.

Price: $150 to $120 USD

Please click the following PayPal button to purchase an annual subscription to our member section, with a 40% discount (from $300 to $180) per subscription. You will be billed on a recurring semiannual basis until you choose to cancel. PayPal will display your username and password on the screen. Please write them down in a safe place.

Price: $300 to $180 USD

 instant access with a password generated by PayPal – displayed on your screen

You may cancel at any time:

Associação de acesso exclusivo para brasileiros

Por favor, envie um PIX para chave: e enviar o comprovante para, após confirmação voce receberá no seu email os dados de acesso. Você terá acesso por um mês, para renovar voce precisa enviar um novo pagamento.

Preço: R$100 reais